Since the spring of 2006 I have been fascinated with everything Real Estate. At the time I was attending University for a bachelor’s degree in Construction Management. Originally I had wanted to be an Architect, but found it easier to stay near home and the University I had enrolled in didn’t offer a 5 year Architectural program. I quickly found that Construction Management had much to offer and I never looked back.
Well occasionally I had thoughts that I should have pushed myself harder, I found the classes to be simple, and instead of driving me towards greatness, I took the easier path. Perhaps a different major would have challenged me more, but entertaining this thought is just an excuse for my lack of effort.
I can’t say I was a genius by any means, things just came naturally to me and I took advantage of that. Perhaps from the years of watching my father work, something had rubbed off on me. In the end, I was just a normal student enjoying what the college years had to offer.
To get back on today’s subject, I have to continue my story from 2006. I had just landed an Internship with a market leader. I was to spend the summer as an assistant superintendent for Centex Homes in Bakersfield, California. Centex Homes was once the largest home builder in North America. Now it’s remnants are found inside Pulte Group, acquired through a buyout after the 2008 economic recession.
About that same time I had made some new friends with similar interests and we began our own plans for world real estate domination. One friend had been attending seminars from a company called Nouveau Riche. A multi-level marketing real estate education program and we attempted the many tactics taught in order to find good deals and use other people’s money to make deals. We studied and listened to audio clips with tax advice from leading experts.
That November I began working with a local Land Developer that had just moved up to Idaho from Utah. Although similar in form, my new job slowly pulled me away from the focus I had given to learning those real estate strategies at home. I worked with that company for three years until I would make the decision to change industries to personal finance. The reason I mention this is during those three years that I was working I never noticed the correlation of what my job was to what I was studying. I was literally involved every day in the strategies discussed. However I, being a smaller piece of the puzzle, had not recognized the underlying patterns I had previously learned.
Fast forward through time I had worked mostly independently, always touching back on the real estate strategies. Up until 2014 forever studying, with no action. Never making that deal. At least not one that I hadn’t regretted. With our first Italian home purchase, I had finally achieved some positive results. In the next years I have watched vigilantly for another property to invest in, researching, participating, with no results. Now it is 2017 and I reflect back. What is missing? What is it that keeps me forever entranced in the theory, yet never committing to action. In all honesty I exaggerate a bit. My family has been truly blessed, yet I don’t consider these blessing as accomplishing those goals of real estate domination.
I believe the answer to be confidence. I’m not the first to say it, or will I be the last. I want to keep this real and share with you my true thoughts. I don’t feel without confidence. But, perhaps in regards to dreams once held, that remain as a part of you; it is easier to pretend you can become the person you desire to be, rather than see your dreams result in failure before your eyes.
What is most important is the realization that we can be happy no matter our circumstance, but to do something truly great with our lives requires action. So when I speak of confidence, I speak of this realization. Realization that leads to planning. Planning which produces goals. Goals that are respected and attain results. Results, whether positive and negative to be analyzed for increased effectiveness. And finally, repetition while striving for perfection.
There truly are no limits when we create our own system of success. If you are the type like myself that enjoys a good self-improvement book, you have noticed that most systems look similar, if not identical. The truth is no matter how many times you hear it. It means nothing until you’ve experience your own realization.
So where does that leave us?
It is 2017, January is almost gone. There is no time like the present to accomplish my goals!
I know that I only spoke about my goals in ambiguous terms. I’m working on multiple projects at the moment, this blog being one. This entire blog was a stepping stone in my system of success. Each future post to mark a milestone of learning and achievement. From looking at my last post, I noticed my posts are a few months apart. But, these posts will become more frequent as I place more effort on my goals.
I’m excited to share my results with you, whether they be positive or negative. I believe we often learn more from the negative, so why should I be greedy and hide it from you?
Till next time!